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携手并进 共创未来——我校与海亮教育举行缔结姊妹学校仪式

2020-7-15 11:32| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1685| 评论: 0|来自: 企业家在线

摘要:   7月14日上午,海亮教育集团投资副总裁张远怀先生一行莅临我校参观访问,并与我校正式签署姊妹学校协议,双方在金融投资、教育教学教研、国际交流等各方面达成战略合作。这标志着我校在国际化办学的探索道路上又 ...


  On the morning of July 14, Mr. Zhang Yuanhuai, Vice President of Investment of Hailiang Education Group, visited our school and signed an agreement of sister school with us. The two parties reached strategic cooperation in financial investment, education and teaching research, international exchanges etc. This indicates that our school has taken another solid step on the road of exploring running international schools and achieved new breakthroughs.


  Hailiang Education is invested by Hailiang Group, a Fortune 500 company, covering early childhood education, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, international education, arts education, special education and education training. Up to now, there are more than 30 schools under the corporation , with more than 70,000 teachers and students at home and abroad. In July 2015, Hailiang Education went public and became an international education brand. The group's operating revenue was 180 billion last year.


  Mr. Zhang Yuanhuai, Vice President of Investment of Hailiang Education Group, Mr. Li Dongsheng, General Manager of Hailiang Education Group Research Company, Mr. Wu Jian, Director of Research Center of Hailiang Education Group, Mr. Liu He, Head of Teensen Genesis School, Ms. Tao Juanjuan, president of International Department of Teensen Genesis School , Mr. Zhang Shilin, Chief Branding Officer of Teensen Genesis School, and Mr. Zhou Pu, head of the Investment and Financing Development Department of Teensen Genesis School, attended the signing ceremony.


  Mr. Zhang Yuanhuai, Vice President of Investment of Hailiang Education Group, made the opening remarks: "We had a lot of in-depth exchanges in the early stage. I was deeply shocked by the speed of Teensen's development. Teensen's school running reflects the top level of Jiangxi Province. Hailiang and Teensen are consistent in the philosophy of running a school. Sharing the same ambition can help them go a long way together. We firmly believe that in the future the two schools will witness a wonderful experience of cooperation."



  Liu He, the head of Teensen Genesis School, then expressed: "Teensen is a young team and a team that loves to learn most. We are also very willing to go out and learn from others. The sister school with Hailiang this time will facilitate our school to empower children in Jiangxi to accept better international training and cultivate more international talents. We sincerely thank Hailiang for its help."


  Accompanied by school leaders, Hailiang Education visited the teaching building, dormitory building, outdoor stadium, etc. Mr. Zhang Yuanhuai gave full recognition to the construction work of Teensen Genesis School. Mr. Zhang Yuanhuai, Vice President of Investment of Hailiang Education Group, shared the experience of running first-class schools in developed regions and the specific training methods for students who tend to go overboard on one or some subjects .



  Subsequently, leaders of the two schools planted a red maple tree together. This red maple tree will become a permanent witness of the profound friendship between Teensen and Hailiang Education, and heralds the vigorous development of the friendship between the two schools.



  Our school's foreign exchange activities have always been at the forefront of basic education in Nanchang. Teensen Genesis School is committed to building a platform for students to communicate and grow, and cultivate talents and global citizens with a global perspective. Our school used various forms of communication to jointly promote communication with teachers and students of the sister school, the British century-old Burkedale School, at all levels, enhance cross-cultural understanding, promote innovation and development of education and teaching on both sides, and provide more opportunities for students to broaden their views.


  After the signing of the contract, the two parties will enhance the education and research between the two schools through classroom teaching observation seminars, teacher exchange training, education and teaching resource sharing, exchange-students projects, academic exchanges and other activities, and achieve common progress in the education of the two schools.



  撰写:Jane 肖 依

  编辑:Wendy 贾西贝

  翻译:Elena 王 琴

  影像:Louis 胡 猜

  Leo 罗 睿

  朗读: Lucas 高旭东

  Andy 张 宇

  主编:Jane 肖 依

  总编:Johnson 张世霖

  —Power by Teensen Media—


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